Vishaal Profile Picture

Vishaal Ekhalikar

Intern and Incoming Developer Analyst at Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation

Senior at Stevens Institute of Technology

Studying Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

I am a Senior at Stevens Institute of Technology. I am studying Computer Engineering with an emphasis on Programming. I have knowledge in C++, Python, Java and Web Development. I have 3 internships of experience in IT, and I have accepted a full-time offer at DTCC as an analyst coming July 2020. I play tennis and basketball, but have a love for most sports. I enjoy traveling and exercising, but enjoy mental challenges such as chess and board games. I live in New Jersey and enjoy spending time with friends and family. I play cards with my aunt and uncle every Saturday.



Job Date
Enterprise Infrastructure Intern at The Depository Trust and Clearing Corpration June 2019 - May 2020
CISD Infrastructure and Security Intern at Wakefern Food Corporation May 2018 - August 2018
IT Infrastructure Intern at RendezView Inc. June 2017 - January 2018
IT Startup Support at EXL Engineers Inc. May 2019 - Present
Civil Engineering Intern at AAES Engineering July 2016 - August 2016
Delivery Services Consultant at Western World Validus Group June 2015 - August 2015
Tennis Instructor at LifePlex Health Club October 2014 - March 2016

Relevant Coursework



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